2023 Senate Expedition

In 2023 OWL students in Algebra 1 continued a tradition of researching projects of import in their lives and going to the Capitol to present about their findings (see 2018, 2019, and 2022 here). Below is one of the final products – the briefing book. However, the journey is important and interesting, so if you want to learn more continue below!


This project starts in the beginning of February when the students are learning about scatter plots and lines of best fit. After the traditional assessment, the students start to dig into some data about the State of Minnesota. The next step is getting into groups based on interests of study. Then the groups grind for data, which is always the hardest part – sometimes they have to put in official requests to the state agencies. I have had groups ask for data that the state doesn’t even keep track of (tax expenditures for example). Once they get their title, data, and graph we are in a position to start drafting the briefing book (that is the thing you see above). Here are some drafts:

However, the briefing book is only one of the two final products that the students produce. The other final product is the presentation in the actual Capitol to their invited state Senators and Representatives.

Before their trip to the Capitol, students invited seniors and juniors up to help them practice.


With some of their jitters out of the way, they were ready!


The Rotunda of the Capitol is considered the “Crossroads of Democracy” in Minnesota because from there you are under the dome and halfway between the Senate’s Chamber and the room where the Representatives convene.


To give you an example of what a presentation looks like, you can see one here (Representatives Chamber up the stairs):


Lest you think that the kids don’t make an impact, one of the groups (group 6) got a letter from their State Representative Rick Hansen about their topic.
